Some points about entry form completion!
I'm taking a break from analyzing 560 walkers' entry forms to say that although most are clearly written, some I have to make my best guess at I usually get some clue from what has been written by the registrar at each church. Even then we may not be able to claim the extra 25% for many of the 90% of walkers who've signed the Gift Aid declaration on the entry forms.
Taking a more time to write legibly saves registrars'& my time; for example on a £10 entry it could avoid losing an extra £2.50. The minimum requirement is initials (or first name), surname, first line of address & postcode, the last usually being the most difficult to decipher. (Downloaded entry forms occasionally had the signature line missing but they needed signing to claim tax; I'll try to prevent that happening in future years).
Sorry to sound so critical, but I want to be able to distribute as much as possible to the two charities & five churches, and I can assure you that they are so grateful to all Five Church Walkers!