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                  A Message from Pilgrims Hospices

Pilgrims Hospices was established in 1983 and has gone on to touch the lives of one in four people in East Kent.   We have three hospices in Canterbury, Ashford and Thanet offering specialist palliative care for adults of any age with a life limiting illness.   No other adult hospice in the UK has three hospices run under one team like this. More people are able to achieve their choice to be cared for in hospice beds in east Kent than anywhere else in the UK.

Through our day service Wellbeing & Social Programme people with longterm conditions can come when they need our support for specialist day-to-day help enabling them to live well.  It might be to manage breathlessness and fatigue, specialist help from our occupational therapists or complementary therapists, counsellors, social workers & more.   The Pilgrims team also gives care and comfort to people who need it & their families in their own homes on our vast ‘virtual wards’, which operate 24/7 across the communities of east Kent.

Our vision is of a community where people with a terminal illness and their family and friends are supported and encouraged to live well in mind and body until the very last moment of their life. We put the people needing our support at the centre of all we do. Throughout their hospice journey each person has access to as many as 20 different highly skilled Pilgrims professionals caring for every aspect of their wellbeing 

We also care for families and friends of those who use our services. When someone in your family has a serious illness you may not think of yourself as a carer but your support is vital and can have a big impact on you. Our team is specially trained to support you and your whole family, including children and teenagers.

Our 1,500 volunteers are vital to all of this work – without them we simply couldn’t continue to provide such a high level of patient care and support.  Volunteering is all about sharing and developing surprisingly diverse skills, meeting extraordinary people and working as part of an enthusiastic team.

Our generous community is also vital to our work and provides an amazing 75% of our funding. Whether it’s through donations, fundraising, supporting our shops, leaving a legacy, playing our lottery or taking part in one of our events, every act of kindness from you helps us to give our care where and when it’s needed.  It is hugely important to us that we make the most of every penny we are given.  

From making a donation, however small, to volunteering your time, running an event, shopping with us or joining Pilgrims Hospices Lottery – everything you do is appreciated by everyone here.  To learn more about Pilgrims Hospices visit <>.

                                                Together we can make a difference!

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