Five Church Walk 6/5/19 First News
My first report was published in Chilham Parish News June issue:-
Unfortunately on the day of the Walk I was still in Margate Hospital recovering from major bowel surgery three days earlier, but I arrived home that evening to be greeted by news of what a great day it had been. I’m spending most of my days resting, with a district nurse checking on me daily, so I doubt if I’ll be able to do my usual analysis of each church’s registrar’s records until the end of this month. So I’m unable to publish my usually prompt report of walker numbers and the total value banked promptly, but my impression is that it could be a record, certainly since I’ve been Hon Treasurer.
The total received by the five registrars was over £5,500 of which 40% was by Chilham church. From past experience this is no guide to the amount that will eventually be paid to Chilham PCC, due to a high proportion of walkers supporting Kent Air Ambulance & the Pilgrim’s Hospices starting there. Also people don’t necessarily choose to donate to the church they start at, & many split their gifts equally between all seven options, but with Gift Aid refunds I predict all beneficiaries will receive more than recent years.